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Mobile Phone (Smartphone) FAQ

Mobile Phone (Smartphone) FAQ2021-11-24T13:10:30+10:30

Mobile Phone FAQs

Can A7Designs help me?2022-11-10T09:45:34+10:30

Yes! (we certainly will try our best).  Always happy to discuss your website designs needs and will give you straight advice on whether we can help you or not. Please contact us and we will be happy to discuss your needs.

What’s the difference between a mobile website and a mobile app?2022-11-10T11:11:53+10:30

A mobile app (i.e. application software) is a computer program designed to run on smartphones, tablet computers and other mobile devices such as an iphone, android or ipad (or similar devices). Mobile apps may have specific functionality built into them such as sendig users push notifications and also the ability to work offline. A mobile ready website works with with many devices including desktops, laptops, mobile devices and tablets but the device needs to be online.  Websites that are mobile compatible increase your visibility and don’t require your customers to download a piece of software to their phone.  A website that is mobile ready is a cost effective means of getting your message to mobile devices.

What are the benefits of a mobile website to my customers?2022-11-10T11:15:32+10:30

There are studies show that visitors who access a desktop website on their mobile phones complain about how much data bandwidth and time is needed to load the site and how difficult it is to find the information they want. Many will navigate away from the site and look for a competitor with a more mobile-friendly website.

How are mobile websites different than desktop sites?2022-11-10T11:26:57+10:30

Mobile websites are built to take advantage of the different needs of mobile phones and are designed to give the best possible experience to users. Along with adapting to the smaller screen of a mobile phone, mobile sites are made easier to use by using touch or a keypad and provide easier access to the information that a customer is more likely to need while on the go.

Do shopping carts work on mobiles?2022-11-10T09:21:14+10:30

Yes.  It is a good idea to have your shopping cart created from the ground up to work with mobiles.  If you have an existing shopping cart that you would like to make compatible with a mobile please contact us.  We will be happy to have a look at it.

Will a mobile site make it easier for my clients?2022-11-10T11:01:25+10:30

Yes! Mobile phone sites are optimised for mobile devices and will make your website more engaging to potential clients.  They have menu navigation that is easy to use and text that is easy to read.  If your clients are able to use your site easily they are more likely to contact you.

Why do I need a mobile phone (smartphone) web site?2022-10-27T17:01:32+10:30

Mobile phones have developed so that they have enough bandwidth and screen size and resolution to access the internet; but many web sites are still designed for desktop or lap top computers with screen sizes upwards from about 38cm (mobile phones have a screen size of about 14cm).

If you have accessed the web from a mobile phone browser you will find that on some sites you only see part of the page, or that it displays as simply a very small version of the desktop site.  Typically mobile phone browsers are not able to see flash (animations), java (commonly used for links) and interactive components. In addition web sites not built for mobile phones like iphones and Androids usually have more text and bigger images, making them unwieldy on a small screen.

With more mobile phones than people in Australia, it is good business to have a mobile web site for your business.

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